
10th Ibero-American Workshop on Complex Fluids 2015

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10th Ibero-American Workshop on Complex Fluids and their Applications
25 – 29 October, 2015, Florianópolis – SC, Brazil


The Ibero-American Workshop on Complexs Fluids and their Applications has been organized biannually since 1993 in different countries of Ibero-America, bringing together physicists, chemists and technologists from various countries, with the aim of improving the scientific research in our community. The community of complex fluids ranges from classical synthetic chemistry to theoretical physics, from structural biology to engineering, technological and medical applications, and is linked by the interest in various aspects of soft matter.

The main topics in the complex fluids field that will be covered at the workshop are:

  • Liquid crystals
  • Biological fluids and micellar systems
  • Magnetic fluids and colloidal systems
  • Synthesis and design of liquid crystal compounds
  • Modeling and theory of complex fluids
  • Optics and photonic devices based on complex fluids
  • Polymeric and elastomeric systems
  • Organic electronics based on liquid crystals


Prof. Hugo Gallardo Olmedo (Chemistry Department)
Prof. Ivan H. Bechtold (Physics Department)

Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC
Florianópolis – SC

Hotel Praiatur Ingleses, Praia dos Ingleses, Florianópolis, SC
domingo, 25 Outubro, 2015 - 17:00 to quinta-feira, 29 Outubro, 2015 - 14:15